At Night on the Deck of a Cruise Ship

As the moon reflects the sun,
the moonlight’s reflections ripple on the ocean’s surface,
and on the eyes of the person standing next to you—
those eyes also hold the reflection of you.

Seeing the I in the eyes of
your relative or friend or lover or new acquaintance,
the I that everything orbits around:
the ship’s railing gripped by your fingers,
the whole ship,
the ocean (including the depths, yes even the dark depths),
the moon,
the sun (hidden to you now, though).

All waiting to hear and see what you’ll say and do next.

27 thoughts on “At Night on the Deck of a Cruise Ship

  1. Beautiful poems as always. I loved the phrasing, rhymes and meaning behind the poem. As someone that has often reflected on his life decisions, I related to the poem’s reflective nature. It brought to mind many meaningful films I’ve seen in the past that are set on an ocean. For instance, the poem made me think of Ang Lee’s “Life of Pi”. A beautiful adaptation of the beloved book, it tells the story of a teenager put into a painful situation when he survives a shipwreck on the vast ocean. It’s a meaningful movie with a reflective message about life that you captured in your poem. Based on the reflective nature of your poem, I have a feeling you would enjoy this film. Here’s why I recommend it strongly:

    “Life of Pi” (2012) – Movie Review

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  2. Very thought provoking such a good poem for so many reasons. That moment of anticipation, of recognition, of reflection, of hope, of appreciation… The moment that lingers permanently…I think that’s what I feel in this piece. It’s intimate. 🙏

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